open letter to the aboriginal people and their leaders,

hereby I give you new information on your ennemy the white man and his state. read it carefully for it can change your life for the better drasticaly. It was first given to the Hopi in us. This knowledge is a great power for you, so great that it must be spread very much or else they will try to kill it with you in read and dig in deep!

it is valid internationally so for you too.make a dissision about it and let me know

how you will support me and my leadership.

leader p.

hotevilla may want to be free and hopi.

dear hopi

I have send to hopiland a lengthy paper about how to be protected against the witch of the (international) governments sovereignty-laws comprised in the evil symbol and the evil-parcelnumber symbol . The evil sovereignty-symbol of the enemy and the character of his landclaim and thus so his true evil have come to light and is now known for the first time. They where not known by hopi or mankind before. on basis of this knowledge now a fundamental and strategic solution to government created problems has been found. There where no full initiatives or orders to do anything about it before. We fought randomly. I explain you the basic knowledge that shows you the very evil stronghold of the enemy of the land and the basis of the strategy to be protected against his power. The ending goal of the enemy is to make land and life and the universe an invisible void: the juridical and religiously governmentally accepted ‘the nothing’ or otherwise named the evil sovereignty symbol. all man within the jurisdiction of the international law and the usa derive their authority from the evil symbol sovereignty symbol and its claim on the land: the evil parcelnumber symbol. this plan was made about 4500 years ago by a juridical inventor for the roman government and the army. it is now accepted as international and usa law. It is official policy to make everything nothing. all culture, politics an science follow and imitate "the nothing’ for we are ruled in accordance to ‘the nothing’ all modern destructive forces follow from this law. I do not want to convert you but to give you useful juridical information. Especially for martin and hotevilla i studied eight years and compiled and developed this information.

with this it is possible to make save havens out of usa jurisdiction in stead of the evil sovereignty-symbol and the evil sovereignty number symbol.

what can you do with my knowledgeand what is its effect when it is practised.

to denounce the validness of the evil symbol can be done by denouncing the evil sovreignty parcelnumber-symbol for then the evil symbol that is the enemies law has no valid landclaim and without land it cannot be the law.

If the evil symbol is denounced in a procedural law correct way the enemy and his evil is understood and the force of the law and the justice of mankind by means of the people and the gods and nature he flies but has no right on a place on earth or in the universe. you may not serve two masters. the evil symbol and the gods law. We must take care of this. if the protection is received before the gods or the government one feels relieved can sink deeper in the land and can see farther. happiness befalls you if you are protected against the curse of the evil parcelnumber symbol. The prayer goes like this: the evil parcelnumber is unvalid for it does not acknowledge the true nature of the land. therefore the sovereignty laws of the united states are off the land and the evil (sovereignty)nothing symbol is off. you give me protection against the evil parcelnumber symbol that is is given out by the landkeeper of the united states government so that the united states government is no longer valid here on my land and every where I go.- you should take the full consequences of this freedom if not the land is not saved and the law becomes crooked and all people die a terrible way because of your mistakes and this mankind will and cannot accept and you will be liable for it. You may not use it wrong for otherwise all land disappears with you together and you have no protection against it. it is new that the governmental treat with the is over. if it is restricted to good people they will not serve two masters and then the power of nature and the increased selection capability the land inclusive the people mankind will be devided in good and evil people. the good people prosper and the bad people die away or bas become unvalide come possessed. on the other side good people and things and the land grow better where the evil symbol and evil parcilnumber is not valid declared and away. In principle if you put a sign on the land that states that “the parcelnumbers are not invalid on my land because they do not acknowledge the character of the land whilst it is used as a name.” then international and usa law has no validness and usa government is also off on this land. this may be called a save haven. it is all valid even though I think that the government will not easily admit that. The usa government may depart from america itself this way in a saver way. it is known that this is a natural follows if the knowledge and leadership I give you are practiced. scenarios to this end became valid because of the religious-law knowledge I gave you. Also the president of the united stated had to obey this religious law.

Why does it save the world.

for the first time the evil of mankind can be really be acknowledged. because there is now a way to be free from it therefore mankind has sight on a future. we can create therefore way to fight evil not randomly but effectively for we cannot fight evil with evil when they have no freedom to be good. mankind and hopi may not die because of an mistake or even a misunderstanding. I lead this rescue on. if i die you are all extinguished. this is why i write a letter to you all. With this I have taken positive action over all your lives. make it work and lets together with your leaders find a strategy to make this newfound freedom and the good nature power that comes with it work in this world there is a distinct strategy on how to make this all work and there are details that are very complex I may teach you if you invite me.

the knowledge

The all capitals name for instance HOPILAND is by official government law for thousands of years not a name but the NOTHING- evil sovreignty symbol. The evil symbol is always written in all capitals. This started with the juridical invention of the roman empire. It gives in importance priority to the shape first and then the meaning. wilts in gods law the meaning comes first in importance and then the shape. It is practiced and you carry it yourself to on every of your official papers: driverslicence, bank pas, passport contract and so on and so on. an abbreviated name counts as no name at all. a Christian name means ‘readily to be converted in to the evil symbol’. they say that they believe that because the writing is in all capital letters, which of course changes the shape then also the meaning has changed in what is called juridically and religiously: ‘the nothing’. in the bible the word god or lord is written in all capitals for this purpose. it is the evil symbol. the white man derives all his authority from this Nothing-witch and the evil and unvalid landclaim by means of the parcel number. the roman empire and the pope called thus their god the nothing. THE NOTHING-evil symbol must be understood as the purpose and artifact of the state. it is used as a decoy. The all capitals name is one of the three ( machinelike) artifacts of sovereignty. The swear of the king emperor or president for THE NOTHING is the first.

hereby he swears to utterly destruct land and live to its nothingness. then he makes himself part of the machine to install the nothing which is the seconds artifact of THE STATE. You can find the seconds artifact of the state, the nothing on al official papers like passport bankpapers or driverlicence for according to the philosophy of the state a false tittle the nothing for a man or thing is forcable by law ‘becomes it does not mean anything anyway’ an underscore written name or Christian written name is not directly so. This third artifact of the state ( it has only three) is the parcel number. You may say to your god(s) the parcel number is invalid to me and the land under my feet because it does not describing the character of the land wilt it is used in stead or a name protect me against this witchery. then you may feel what it is to be a free man in the law in the eyes of your gods

THE NOTHING is a false title for a man or thing. it is always at war ( the state-law is always at war). It is the biggest and most important problem on earth for it is the alien landclaim but contains all aspects moreover.

The parcel number is a splitting number it splits the land in particles in infinity. If this parcelnumber is proven to be unvalid the law and jurisdiction of the state is vanished . the land befalls the rightful aboriginal owner because there is no law without land not even a presumed valid claim.

this is the way for the aboriginal to get their land and life back and be in their own traditional ( wisdom-at-all-times) jurisdiction. There may be a save haven without usa law in your house village or tribal land.

the separation of church and government is on the basis of the nothing. The state by the means of these artifacts is the nothing. Be well aware if you are offered sovereignty. nothing good can come from it, to make the nothing as the utter destruction of all land to make the THE NOTHING is the the purpose of the state.

scenarios now possible.

if the evil symbol named the nothing is not done away with i n governmental law that is where we are ending op in all land and life. everything of land and life maybe even the universe will become the nothing, a void for this is the purpose of state law. I made the solution to this so you have no other choice than to religiously-juridically follow me and so save the existance of your land and your life. however it is a happy thing for victory. the victory is won by first prayer and the law study of my work and checking if it is true and right. decision making by your wisdom -at –all- time leaders and then to share this decision with all aboriginal of all continents especially of america. the effect will be at first that all tribal councils in this world will be away and possibly under the authority of the tradition leaders without voting. then save areas without us law and the government can be made. further it is now possible that the state of the government of the us will change from a democracy to a state-theocracy even though theocracy and state sovereignty are complete contradictions. further more the Indians will receive the (highest) arms they need to defend their land. this is a follows of the law.

For clarity: i do not mean harm to you in any way from smartness and wisdom I may be the new law but i do not enforce it.

because there is a happy war and because the separation between good and evil there is less war

I can give you a mans joke what do we men do all this fucking for if the government destroys all land.

and a happy joke: i have my bread: I want more.

and another joke: we are the new group “extremist for life”. purpose: we are extremely for life who is with us?

and that is always the question is it not?

leader p.

the land may tell you.

it is the responcable way to agree with me invite me and to spread to all this information as wildfire so as to make it indistrucable.

leader p.